Lenore at the Loom
Woven fabric with an artistic flair


Examples of Lenore's designs and weaving
More will be shown later
some converting weaving drafts
for use with continuous strand weaving.

SpreadOnBed 2of4 on looms
Finished bed spread       on the bed                                  2 of 4 sections on the looms.

A book is in process at this time.


Tri-Weave, Continuous Strand Weaving, Triangle Loom, Triangle Weaving, Woven Art, Triangle, Loom, Rectangle loom, Lenore Snyder, Lenore J, Lenore J Snyder, computer assisted design, design program, weaving design program, weaving classes, learn the tri-loom, Michigan, Computer assisted design programs for triangular and rectangular looms artistic shawl, shawls, woven fabrics Lenore Snyder, LenoreJ.com special woven art programs, computer programs, weaving software, art, infinity scarves, infinity scarf">